Man Cave Ideas

Man Cave Makeover

Man Cave Makeover

I am in the process of a complete man cave makeover, nobody has seen the room in a couple of months. Several people have asked to come by wanting to see what I have done in my man cave so far.

The plan was to remove everything from the walls and give the room a fresh coat of paint. However after I got the walls cleared and looked at all of  the stuff that I have to display I decided not to paint at all.

There is so much that I want to display that the walls will be almost completely covered. Painting them would be a waste of time.

Since I don’t have a lot of free time to begin with I can’t waste a single day doing something that wouldn’t matter much.

Man Cave Update

The guys wanted a man cave update, but I haven’t done a whole lot in the room yet. I have been so busy with work and other things.

The theme of the man cave will still be a home bar, but after the big man cave makeover it will have a fresh new look.

Steelers man cave; home bar man cave

On my day off from work I did get some pictures put up on the main gallery wall. I would say that it’s looking pretty good.

The room is painted in the team colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The colors of the photo mats are as close a match as I could find.

All of the updates of my man cave makeover. And there will be plenty of updates in the near future will be posted on my YouTube channel

The Gallery Wall

The video above is of my main gallery wall. It features pictures of the famous 1970’s Pittsburgh Steelers defense that won 4 super bowls in six years. They are known as the original steel curtain defense.

As you can see in the video I paid special attention to matching the Pittsburgh Steelers team colors as close as I could.

All of the frames on that gallery wall match each other. Also I have a custom plaque that tells the history of the steel curtain defense on display. There are 9 pictures of those guys featured on that wall.

I also have pictures of  9 members of the offense from those 1970’s teams  featured on the other walls. They are separated by the super bowl MVP’s in one area, then some of my other favorite players.

In my opinion having the room painted in the Pittsburgh Steelers team colors is the most important part of the big man cave makeover.


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