Man Cave Ideas

How To Build A Sports Themed Man Cave

This is absolutely the best website to get step by step instructions on how to build a sports themed man cave. A sports themed man cave is where you display all of your memorabilia of your favorite sports heroes.

First paint the room in masculine colors. Paint the room in official team colors if you’re showcasing collectibles from just one team.

Consider how the room is going to be used before the paint is even dry. If your man cave will be primarily for watching sports and movies or playing video games, the seating and your tv will be the most non-sports related things in the room.

You should put the tv at the top of the list as most important things in your man cave. Therefore you should get the best one that you can afford.

You will need a mini fridge. Keep cold drinks close by as a necessity because you don’t want to have to go to another area of the house to get a drink or a snack.

Displaying Your Collectibles

The best and most valuable things that you can collect and display are game used items. If they are autographed that makes the items even more valuable and collectible. Therefore you must protect these valuables in a frame or a display case.

My favorite thing to collect is autographed jerseys.  I have them framed and matted  with the official team color matting which makes them really stand out.

The downside to displaying framed jerseys is that they take up a lot of wall space. This valuable real estate will be taken up very quickly because the frames are so large.

If you have a lot of jerseys you might want to have the option of switching them out. Therefore, I chose to have a few hinged jersey frames to display my jerseys and change them out quite often.

This football jersey display case comes with a 24″ clear acrylic rod to hang your jersey on. That makes swapping them out super easy.

The inner dimensions are 38″x29 1/2″x3″ and the outer measurements are 42″x34 1/2″ so you can fit large size jerseys inside.

You should have 8×10’s of your favorite players which is the most popular thing that people cover the walls with. These photographs will really stand out if they are framed and matted in team colors.

Protecting Your Collectibles

You need shelving to display other things like your autographed balls and helmets. These valuable items should be protected in display cases, because it protects them and keeps them from getting dusty.

I like my display cases to match and I keep the look of them simple so that the items inside are the main focus. The Perfect Cases rectangle football helmet display case fits the bill for me.

The matching Perfect Cases rectangle football display case is the perfect matching complement to the helmet display case.

Your friends and family will make donations of  all kinds of knickknacks, flags and banners to put in your man cave. Since they are gifts from loved ones you have to make space for these items whether you want them or not.

So there you have it. This is how to build a sports themed man cave like my  Steelers man cave in the video on the Home page of this website.


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